A guide to newborn essentials – Babes & Kids | Cot Sheets, Cot Bedding, Baby Sleeping bags and Baby Clothing

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A guide to newborn essentials

I don’t know about you but I was COMPLETELY clueless when it came to getting ready for the arrival of my first baby.

There are so many ‘Ultimate checklists’ for getting ready for baby with 101 things on them when all you really need is an ‘Important stuff checklist’. Babies are expensive so stick to what you really need then as you start to find your way around as a new parent you can add a few nice to haves to the must have list of baby goods.

So in my opinion (two kids later) this is the “Important Stuff Checklist” for the arrival of your new baby and getting through those first few months.


While things are a little bit chaotic to start with you don’t need a gazillion outfits as your hubby, your mom or the cleaner can do a load of laundry every few days. Plus they grow SO quickly so will be in the next size before you know it.

  • 1 x ‘going home’ outfit - long sleeved
  • 6 x newborn babygrows - long sleeved
  • 6 x 0-3 month old babygrows
  • 6 x bibs
  • 3 x beanies
  • 6 x baby socks


Breastfed and bottle fed babies poop differently so I can only go on my experience of breastfed babies. My babies needed a change with each feed!

  • Babies generally need around 10-12 nappies a day in the first few weeks. Baby city will exchange unopened boxes so don’t worry if you buy too many - just keep the boxes unopened.
  • 1 x Box fragrance free wet wipes - buy in bulk and save as you can never have too many
  • 1 x Cotton wool swabs - use with cooled down Rooibos if your baby gets nappy rash
  • 1 Nappy cream tub
  • 1 x Changing Mat. I like the @RubyMelon one as it’s large with high sides
  • 1 x Nappy Bin. The inserts for these bins are expensive so after a while I started using a regular bin liner and found it did the job. It’s more that the lid seals between nappies keeping the smell in.
  • 1 x Nappy Bag with travel changing mat.
  • Disposable Diaper bags for when you are out
  • 1 x compactum or chest of draws - you will spend MANY hours changing nappies so invest in a good compactum with lots of space


All babies are different and so are their sleeping arrangements. Some moms co-sleep, others want their babies to sleep in a Moses Basket until they are 6 months and some moms put baby straight into their own cot. My first slept in a moses basket in our room til he was 4 months old and our second slept in her cot from 6 weeks as we needed to have the AngelCare breathing monitor for her. So depending on what you decide your needs will be different but in general you will need the following for baby bedding.


The first bath is almost as scary as the first time you cut your baby's fingernails! They are small, wet and slippery!

  • 1 x Aqueous Cream to use as soap
  • 1 x Body Cream - I love the Pure range that was recommended by my amazing Paed Dr Claudia Grey
  • 1 x Baby Bath - place on top of the compactum to save your back!
  • 1 x Cotton wool swabs - for wiping eyes, face and bum
  • 1 x Surgical Spirits - for the umbilical cord
  • 1 x Baby Earbuds - for the umbilical cord
  • 1 x Baby Oil - put a few drops in the water
  • Use a regular towel and fold it over to make your own hood


As I said cutting your baby’s fingernails for the first time will leave you in a mild state of panic but don’t worry - you can do it!

  • 1 x Baby Nail Clippers
  • 1 x Soft bristle Baby Hair brush
  • 1 x Electric Thermometer
  • 1 x Meds Syringe. While you aren’t able to give your baby Children’s Nurofen I think that without a doubt the syringe that you get in the box is the best one in the market. So may be worth just buying the bottle for the syringe.


Unless you are planning to bottle feed from day one I wouldn’t suggest getting a breast pump, bottles, steriliser, bottle warmer etc until you start. So to start off just keep it simple.

  • 1 x Nipple cream - I like the Purelan one
  • 4 x Nursing Bras
  • 2 x Box breast pads
  • Breastfeeding tops and pjs (while this is not a must it does make life a whole lot easier and less awkward)
  • 2 x Muslins for burping and as a nursing cover
  • 4 x sessions of laser for your nipples starting the day after birth. Trust me on this one!
  • 1 x dummy - Discovery vitality normally give you a dummy as part of your pregnancy pack so give that a try before you buy more. Also remember that breastfeeding needs to be established before introducing a dummy.


  • 1 x pack maternity pads
  • 1 x pack disposable panties


  • 1 x car seat
  • 1 x pram (baby must lie flat until 6 months)
  • 1 x baby carrier - I loved the BabyBjorn carrier but the @UbuntuBaba is an amazing local brand

So that’s my Important Stuff Checklist for arrival of your first baby. Let me know if you have any MUST have items on the list.